FUNCT_2.ABS (Digest)
Functions from a Set to a Set, by Czes{1aw Byli'nski.
reserve P,Q,X,X1,X2,Y,Y1,Y2,Z for set;
reserve p,q,x,x1,x2,y,y1,y2,z,z1,z2 for Any;
def 1 mode Function of X,Y -> Function means X = dom it & rng it c= Y if Y = implies X = otherwise it = ;2 for f being Function of X,Y holds ((Y < > or X = ) implies X = dom f) & rng f c= Y; 3 for f being Function holds f is Function of dom f, rng f; 4 for f being Fucntion st rng f c = Y holds f is Function of dom f, Y; 5 for f being Function st dom f = X & for x st x
CX holds f.xCY holds f is Function of X,Y; 6 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > & xCX holds f.xCrng f; 7 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > & xCX holds f.xCY; 8 for f being Function of X,Y st (Y = implies X = ) & rng f c= Z holds f is Function of X,Z; 9 for f being Function of X,Y st (Y = implies X = ) & Y c= Z holds f is Function of X,Z;scheme FuncEx1{X( )->set,Y( )->set,P[Any,Any]}: ex f being Function of X( ), Y( ) st for x st x
CX( ) holds P[x,f.x] provided for x st xCX( ) ex y st yCY( ) & P[x,y] and for x,y1,y2 st xCX( ) & P[x,y1] & P[x,y2] holds y1 = y2; scheme Lambda1{X( )->set,Y( )->set,F(Any)->Any}: ex f being Function of X( ),Y( ) st for x st xCX( ) holds f.x = F(x) provided for x st xCX ( ) holds F(x)CY( );def 2 func Funcs(X,Y) -> set means x
Cit iff ex f being Function st x = f & dom f = X & rng f c= Y;11 for f being Function of X,Y st Y = implies X = holds f
CFuncs(X,Y); 12 for f being Function of X,X holds fCFuncs(X,X); 13 for f being Function of ,X holds fCFuncs(,X); 14 X < > implies Funcs(X,) =; 15 Funcs(X,Y) = implies X < > & Y = ; 16 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > & for y st yCY ex x st xCX & y = f.x holds rng f = Y; 17 for f being Function of X,Y st yCY & rng f = Y ex x st xCX & f.x = y; 18 for f1,f2 being Function of X,Y st Y < > & for x st xCX holds f1.x = f2.x holds f1 = f2; 19 for f being Function of X,Y for g being Function of Y,Z st Y = implies Z = or X = holds g f is Function of X,Z; 20 for f being Function of X,Y for being Function of Y,Z st Y < > & Z < > & rng f = Y & rng g = Z holds rng(gf) = Z; 21 for f being Function of X,Y, g being Function st Y < > & xCX holds (g f).x = g.(f.x); 22 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > holds rng f = Y iff for Z st Z < > for g,h being Function of Y,Z st gf = hf holds g = h; 23 for f being Function of X,Y st Y = implies X = holds f(id X) = f & (id Y)f = f; 24 for f being Function of X,Y for g being Function of Y,X st Y < > & fg = id Y holds rng f = Y; 25 for f being Function of X,Y st Y = implies X = holds f is one-to-one iff for x1,x2 st x1CX & x2CX & f.x1 = f.x2 holds x1 = x2; 26 for f being Function of X,Y for g being Function of Y,Z st (Z = implies Y = ) & (Y = implies X = ) & gf is one-to-one holds f is one-to-one; 27 for f being Function of X,Y st X < > & Y < > holds f is one-to-one iff for Z for g,h being Function of Z,X st fg = fh holds g = h; 28 for f being Function of X,Y for g being Function of Y,Z st Z < > & Y < > & rng(gf) = Z & g is one-to-one holds rng f = Y; 29 for f being Function of X,Y for g being Function of Y,X st X < > & Y < > & gf = id X holds f is one-to-one & rng g = X; 30 for f being Function of X,Y for g being Function of Y,Z st (Z = implies Y = ) & gf is one-to-one & rng f = Y holds f is one-to-one & g is one-to-one; 31 for f being Function of X,Y st f is one-to-one & (X = iff Y = ) & rng f = Y holds f" is Function of Y,X; 32 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > & f is one-to-one & xCX holds (f").(f.x) = x; 34 for f being Function of X,Y for g being Function of Y,X st X < > & Y < > & rng f = Y & f is one-to-one & for y,x holds yCY & g.y = x iff xCX & f.x = y holds g = f"; 35 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > & rng f = Y & f is one-to-one holds f"f = id X & ff" = id Y; 36 for f being Function of X,Y for g being Function of Y,X st X < > & Y < > & rng f = Y & gf = id X & f is one-to-one holds g = f"; 37 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > & ex g being Function of Y,X st gf = id X holds f is one-to-one; 38 for f being Function of X,Y st(Y = implies X = ) & Z c= X holds fZ is Function of Z,Y; 39 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > & xCX & xCZ holds (fZ).x = f.x; 40 for f being Function of X,Y st X c= Z holds fZ = f; 41 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > & xCX & f.xCZ holds (Zf).x = f.x; 42 for f being Function of X,Y st (Y= implies X = ) & Y c= Z holds Zf = f; 43 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > for y holds yCfP iff ex x st xCX & xCP & y = f.x; 44 for f being Function of X,Y st Y = implies X = holds fX = rng f; 45 for f being Function of X,Y st Y = implies X = holds fX = rng f; 46 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > for x holds xCf"Q iff xCX & f.xCQ; 47 for f being Function of X,Y st Y = implies X = holds f"Q c= X; 48 for f being Function of X,Y st Y = implies X = holds f"Y = X; 49 for f being Function of X,Y st Y < > holds (for y st yCY holds f"{y} < > ) iff rng f = Y; 50 for f being Function of X,Y st (Y = implies X = ) & P c= X holds P c= f"(fP); 51 forf being Function of X,Y st Y = implies X = holds f"(fX) = X; 53 for f being Function of X,Y for g being Function of Y,Z st (Z = implies Y = ) & (Y = implies X = ) holds f"Q c= (fg)"(gQ); 54 for f being Function of ,Y holds dom f = & rng f = ; 55 for f being Function st dom f = holds f is Function of ,Y; 56 for f1 being Function of ,Y1 for f2 being Function of ,Y2 holds f1 = f2; 57 for f being Function of ,Y for g being Function of Y,Z holds gf is Function of ,Z; 58 for f beinb Function of ,Y holds f is one-to-one; 59 for f being Function of ,Y holds fP = ; 60 for f being Function of ,Y holds f"Q = ; 61 for f being Function of {x},Y st Y < > holds f.xCY; 62 for f being Function of {x},Y st Y < > holds rng f = {f.x}; 63 for f being Function of {x},Y st Y < > holds f is one-to-one; 64 for f being Function of {x},Y st Y < > holds fP c= {f.x}; 65 for f being Function of X,{y} st xCX holds f.x = y; 66 for f1,f2 being Function of X,{y} holds f1 = f2; 67 for f being Function of X,X holds dom f = X & rng f c= X; 69 for f being Function of X,X st xCX holds f.xCX; 70 for f being Function of X,X, g being Function st xCX holds (gf).x = g.(f.x); 73 for f,g being Function of X,X st rng f = X & rng g = X holds rng(gf) = X; 74 for f being Function of X,X holds f(id X) = f & (id X)f = f; 75 for f,g being Function of X,X st gf = f & rng f = X holds g = id X; 76 for f,g being Function of X,X st fg = f & f is one-to-one holds g = id X; 77 for f being Function of X,X holds f is one-to-one iff for x1,x2 st x1CX & x2CX & f.x1 = f.x2 holds x1 = x2; 78 for f being Function of X,X holds fP c= X; 79 for f being Function of X,X holdsfX = rng f; 80 for f being Function of X,X holds f"Q c= X; 82 for f being Function of X,X holds f"(fX) = X;def 3 attr Permutation-like -> Function of X,X means it is one-to-one & rng it = X;
cluster Permutation-like Function of X,X;
mode Permutation of X is Permutation-like Function of X,X;
84 for being Permutation of X holds f is one-to-one & rng f = X; 85 for f being Permutation of X for x1,x2 st x1
CX & x2CX & f.x1 = f.x2 holds x1 = x2; 86 for f,g being Permutation of X st gf = g holds f = id X; 87 for f,g being Permutation of X st gf = id X holds g = f"; 88 for f being Permutation of X holds (f")f=id X & f (f") = id X; 89 for f being Permutation of X holds (f")"=f; 90 for f ,g being Permutation of X holds (gf)"=f"g"; 91 for f being Permutation of X st P Q = holds fP fQ = ; 92 for f being Permutation of X st P c= X holds f(f"P) = P & f"(fP) = P; 93 for f being Permutation of X holds fP = (f")"P & f"P = (f")P;reserve C,D,E for non empty set;
def 4 redefine mode Function of X,D means X=dom it & rng it c= D;
94 for f being Function of X,D holds dom f = X & rng f c= D; 95 for f being Function st dom f = X & rng f c= D holds f is Function of X,D; 96 for f being Function of X,D st x
CX holds f.xCD; 97 for f being Function of {x},D holds f.xCD; 98 for f1,f2 being Function of X,D st for x st xCX holds f1.x = f2.x holds f1 = f2; 99 for f being Function of X,D for g being Function st xCX holds (gf).x = g.(f.x); 100 for f being Function of X,D holds f(id X) = f & (id D)f = f; 101 for f being Function of X,D holds f is one-to-one iff for x1,x2 st x1CX & x2CX & f.x1 = f.x2 holds x1 = x2; 102 for f being Function of X,D for y holds yCfP iff ex x st xCX & xCP & y = f.x; 103 for f being Function of X,D holds fP c= D; 104 for f being Function of X,D holds fX = rng f; 106 for f being Function of X,D for x holds xCf"Q iff xCX & f.xCQ; 107 for f being Function of X,D holds f"Q c= X; 108 for f being Function of X,D holds f"D = X; 109 for f being Function of X,D holds (for y st yCD holds f"{y} < > ) iff rng f = D; 110 for f being Function of X,D holds f"(fX) = X; 112 for f being Function of X,D for g being Function of D,E holds f"Q c= (gf)"(gQ);reserve c,c1,c2 for Element of C; reserve d,d1,d2 for Element of D;
scheme FuncExD{C( )->non empty set,D( )->non empty set,P[Any,Any]}: ex f being Function of C( ),D( ) st for x being Element of C( ) holds P[x,f.x provided for x being Element of C( )ex y being Element of D( ) st P[x,y] and for x being (Element of C( )), y1,y2 being Element of D( ) st P[x,y1] & P[x,y2] holds y1 = y2;
scheme LambdaD{C( )->non empty set,D( )->non empty set, F((Element of C( )))->Element of D( )}: ex f being Function of C( ),D( ) st for x being Element of C( ) holds f.x = F(x);
113 for f1,f2 being Function of C,D st for c holds f1.c = f2.c holds f1 = f2; 116 for f being Function of C,D for d holds d
CfP iff ex c st cCP & d = f.c; 118 for f1,f2 being Function of [:X,Y:],Z st X < > & for x,y st xCX & yCY holds f1.[x,y] = f2.[x,y] holds f1 = f2; 119 for f being Function of [:X,Y:],Z st xCX & yCY & Z < > holds f.[x,y]CZ;scheme FuncEx2{X( )->set,Y( )->set,Z( )->set,P[Any,Any,Any]}: ex f being Function of [:X( ),Y( ):],Z( ) st for x,y st x
CX( ) & yCY( ) holds P[x,y,f.[x,y]] provided for x,y st xCX( ) & yCY( ) ex z st zCZ( ) & P[x,y,z] and for x,y,z1,z2 st xCX( ) & yCY( ) & P[x,y,z1] & P[x,y,z2] holds z1 = z2;scheme Lambda2{X( )->set,Y( )->set,Z( )->set,F(Any,Any)->Any}: ex f being Function of [:X( ),Y( ):],Z( ) st for x,y st x
120 for f1,f2 being Function of [:C,D:],E st for c,d holds f1.[c,d] = f2.[c,d] holds f1 = f2;CX( ) & yCY( ) holds f.[x,y] = F(x,y) provided for x,y st xCX( ) & yCY( ) holds F(x,y)CZ( );scheme FuncEx2D{X( )->non empty set,Y( )->non empty set, Z( )->non empty set,P[Any,Any,Any]}: ex f being Function of [:X( ),Y( ):],Z( ) st for x being Element of X( ) for y being Element of Y( ) holds P[x,y,f.[x,y]] provided for x being Element of X( ) for y being Element of Y( ) ex z being Element of Z( ) st P[x,y,z] and for x being Element of X( ) for y being Element of Y( ) for z1,z2 being Element of Z( ) st P[x,y,z1] & P[x,y,z2] holds z1 = z2;
scheme Lambda2D{X( )->non empty set,Y( )->non empty set,Z( )->non empty set, F((Element of X( )),Element of Y( ))->Element of Z( )}: ex f being Function of [:X( ),Y( ):],Z( ) st for x being Element of X( ) for y being Element of Y( ) holds f.[x,y]=F(x,y)