The dictionary of basic mathematical notations in Mizar
Mizar Version: 7.0.05
MML Version: 4.09.842
<Logical notations>
<The notations of set theory>
<The notations of the sets of numbers>
<The notations for functions (relations)>
<The notations of arithmetic>
<The notations of numbers and special constants>
<The notations of elementary functions and complex numbers>
<The notations of limit and series>
<The notations of differentiation and integral>
<The notations of geometry>
<The notations of probability>
<The notations of vectors and matrices>
[The way of description for entries in
the dictionary]
The way of description for entries in the dictionary is, in principle, as follows.
<a usual mathematical notation> <English explanation of the notation> [mizar] <its corresponding mizar-notation> (<mizar-article: definition etc. in which the notation occurs>) [usage] <some example using the mizar-notation> [<the explanation of the mizar-example>]
<Logical notations>
1. ¬(〜, ̄ ) negation [mizar] not (build in Mizar system)
[usage] not P [not P]
2. ∧(&) and (conjunction) [mizar] & (build in Mizar system)
[usage] A & B [A and B]
3. ∨ or (disjunction) [mizar] or (build in Mizar system)
[usage] A or B [A or B]
4. →(⇒,⊃)implication [mizar] implies (build in Mizar system)
[usage] A implies B [A implies B]
5. ⇔ equivalence [mizar] iff (build in Mizar system)
[usage] A iff B [A is equivalent to B]
6. ∀ for all [mizar] for (build in Mizar system)
[usage] 1. for a holds P [for every a, P holds.]
2. for a being set holds P [For every a which is a set, P holds.]
3. for a, b being set holds P [For every a, b which are sets, P holds.]
4. for a being set st P holds Q [For every set a satisfied with P, Q holds.]
7. ∃ there exists [mizar] ex (build in Mizar system)
[usage] 1. ex a [There exists a.]
2. ex a st P [There exists a such that P holds.]
3. ex a being set st P [There exists a set a such that P holds.]
8. T(1,t ,⊺ ,true, TRUE) truth [mizar] not contradiction (build in Mizar system)
[usage] A & not contradiction [A and TRUE]
TRUE (margrel:def 14)
[usage] TRUE = 1 [TRUE is equal to 1.]
9. F (0,f ,⊥ ,falsum, FALSE)falsity, falsum [mizar] contradiction (build in Mizar system)
[usage] A implies contradiction [A implies FALSE]
FALSE (margrel:def 13)
[usage] FALSE = 0 [FALSE is equal to 0.]
<The notations of set theory>
1. ∈ element (of set) [mizar] in (hidden:pred 1)
[usage] a in b [a is an element of b: a belongs to b.]
2. = equality (of set) [mizar] = (hidden:pred 2)
[usage] a = b [a is equal to b.]
3. ≠ the negation of equality (of set) [mizar] <> (hidden:prednot 2)
[usage] a <> b [a is not equal to b.]
4. { , } finite set with elements [mizar] { , } (tarski :def 1, etc.)
[usage] {a} [set with an element a.]; {a, b} [set with elements a, b], etc.
5. ⊆ relation of inclusion (of set) [mizar] c= (tarski:def 3)
[usage] a c= b [a is included in b: b includes a: a is a subset of b.]
6. ∪ union (of set) [mizar] union (tarski:def 3)
[usage] union a [the union of a]
7. ∩ intersection (of set) [mizar] meet (setfam_1:def 1)
[usage] meet a [the meet of a]
7. [ , ] ordered pair [mizar] [ , ] (tarski:def 5)
[usage] [a, b] [the ordered pair of a and b]
8. ∅ empty set [mizar] { } (xbool_0:def 1)
[usage] { } [{ } has no element.]
9. ∪ union (of two sets) [mizar] \/ (xbool_0:def 2)
[usage] a \/ b [the union of a and b]
10. ∩ intersection (of two sets) [mizar] /\ (xbool_0:def 3)
[usage] a /\ b [the intersection of a and b]
11. \ difference (of two sets) [mizar] \ (xbool_0:def 4)
[usage] a \ b [the set { x : x is an element of a and x is not an element of b}]
12. ⊂ relation of proper subset( of set) [mizar] c< (xbool_0:def 8)
[usage] a c< b [a is a proper subset of b]
13. ( ) c(  ̄ ) complement (of set) [mizar] ` (subset_1:def 5)
[usage] a ` [the complement of a]
14. × direct product of (sets) [mizar] [:,:] (zfmisc_1:defs 3)
[usage] [:a, b:] [the direct product of a and b];
[:a, b, c:] [the direct product of a, b and c], etc.
15. P ( ) power set (of set) [mizar] bool (zfmisc_1:def 1)
[usage] bool a [the power set of a]
16. { x : P } the set of elements x such that P holds ) [mizar] { x : P } (build in Mizar system)
[usage] 1. { x : P } [the set of elements x such that P holds]
2. { x where P : Q} [the set of element x satisfied with P such that Q holds]
<The notations of the sets of numbers>
1. N the set of natural numbers with 0 [mizar] NAT (numbers:funcnod 1); omega (ordinal2:def 5)
[usage] 0 in NAT [0 is an element of N.]
2. Z the set of integers [mizar] INT (numbers:def 4)
[usage] NAT c= INT [N is a subset of Z.]
3. Q the set of rational numbers [mizar] RAT (numbers:def 3)
[usage] NAT c= RAT [N is a subset of Q.]
4. R the set of real numbers [mizar] REAL (numbers:def 1)
[usage] RAT c= REAL [Q is a subset of R.]
5. C the set of complex numbers [mizar] COMPLEX (numbers:def 2)
[usage] REAL c= COMPLEX [R is a subset of C.]
6. On the set of ordinals [mizar] On (ordinal2:def 2)
[usage] omega c= On [ω is a subset of On.]
7. ω the least set of limit ordinals [mizar] omega (ordinal2:def 5)
[usage] 0 in omega [0 is an element of ω.]
<The notations for functions (relations)>
1. dom domain (of function (relation)) [mizar] dom (relat_1:def 4)
[usage] dom f [dom f is the domain of f.]
2. im (rng) range (of function (relation)) [mizar] rng (relat_1:def 5)
[usage] rng f [rng f is the range of f.]
1. ( )−1 inverse (of relation) [mizar] ~ (relat_1:def 7)
[usage] r ~ [r ~ is the inverse relation of r.]
2. ( )−1 inverse (of function) [mizar] " (relat_1:def 14)
[usage] f " [f " is the inverse relation of f.]
3. ∘ composition (of function (relation)) [mizar] * (relat_1:def 8)
[usage] f * g [f * g is the composition of f and g.]
6. 1/f the reciprocal of function f [mizar] ^ (rfunct_1:def 8)
[usage] f ^ [f ^ is the reciprocal of function f , that is, for every x, (f^)(x)=1/(f.x).]
7. a・f (af) scalar product of a scalar a and a real function f [mizar] a (#) f (seq_1:def 5); a “ f (seq_1:def 5);
[usage] (a (#) f) .b = a * (f.b) [ (af)(b) = a(f(b) ) ];
(a “ f) .b = a * (f.b) [ (af)(b) = a(f(b) ) ]
1. + addition of functions [mizar] + (seq_1:def 3)
[usage] f + g [f + g is addition of functions, that is , for every x, (f + g)(x) = f(x) +g(x).]
2. − subtraction of functions [mizar] - (seq_1:def 4)
[usage] f - g [f - g is subtraction of functions, that is , for every x, (f - g)(x) = f(x) - g(x).]
3. ・ multiplication of functions [mizar] (#) (seq_1:def 1)
[usage] f (#) g [f (#) g is product of functions, that is , for every x, (f (#) g )(x) = f(x)・g(x).]
4. f/g fraction of functions [mizar] / (rfunct_1:def 4)
[usage] f/g [f/g is fraction of functions, that is , for every x, (f/g)(x)=(f(x)/g(x)).]
5. − the inverse of function with respect to addition [mizar] - (seq_1:def 7)
[usage] - f [ -f is inverse of function with respect to addition, that is , for every x, (-f )(x) = -f(x) .]
13. | restriction (of function (relation)) [mizar] | (relat_1:def 11)
[usage] f | a [f | a is the restriction of f with respect to a.]
14. f (a) image of a value a (with respect to function (relation) f ) [mizar] f.a (funct_1:def 4)
[usage] f.a [f.a is the image of a with respect to f.]
15. f (A) image of set A of values (with respect to function (relation) f ) [mizar] f .: A (relat_1:def 13)
[usage] f.:A [f.:A is the image of set A of values with respect to f.]
16. Hom(X, Y) the set of functions with domain X and range Y [mizar] Funcs( , ) (funct_2:def 2)
[usage] f in Funcs(X, Y) implies rng f = Y [(f is an element of Hom(X, Y)) implies rng f = Y.]
<The notations of arithmetic>
1. + addition [mizar] + (xcmplx_0:def 4)
[usage] a + b [a + b is the sum of a and b.]
2. ・ (×) multiplication [mizar] * (xcmplx_0:def 5)
[usage] a * b [a * b is the product of a and b.]
3. − subtraction [mizar] - (xcmplx_0:def 8)
[usage] a - b [a - b is the difference of a and b.]
4. − negative sign (minus sign) [mizar] - (xcmplx_0:def 6)
[usage] - a [-a is a negative number.]
5. / fraction [mizar] / (xcmplx_0:def 9)
[usage] a / b [a / b is a fraction with numerator a and denominator b.]
6. 1/a the reciprocal (number) of a [mizar] " (xcmplx_0:def 7)
[usage] a" [a" is the reciprocal (number) of a, that is 1/a.]
7. ÷ division [mizar] div (int_1:def 7)
[usage] a div b [a div b is the quotient when b devides a.]
6. mod residue [mizar] mod (int_1:def 8)
[usage] a mod b [a mod b is the remainder when b devides a.]
7. | devides [mizar] devides (int_1:def 9)
[usage] a | b [a | b means that a devides b.]
8. lcm the least common multiple (of two natural numbers) [mizar] lcm (nat_1:def 4
[usage] a lcm b [a lcm b is the least common multiple of a and b.]
11. lcm the least common multiple (of two integers) [mizar] lcm’ (int_2:def 2
[usage] a lcm’ b [a lcm b is the least common multiple of |a| and |b|.]
12. gcd the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers) [mizar] hcf (nat_1:def 5)
[usage] a hcf b [a gcd b is the greatest common divisorof a and b.]
13. gcd the greatest common divisor (of two integers) [mizar] gcd (nat_1:def 5)
[usage] a gcd b [a gcd b is the greatest common divisor of |a| and |b|.]
14. ‘ successor function [mizar] succ (ordinal1:def 1)
[usage] succ a [succ a is the successor of a]
15. ≦ inequality with equality [mizar] <= (xreal_0:def 2)
[usage] 1 <= 2 [1 is smaller than 2.]
16. > inequality [mizar] > (xreal_0: prednot 4)
[usage] 2 > 1 [2 is larger than 1.]
17. ≧ inequality with equality [mizar] => (xreal_0:prednot 2)
[usage] 2 => 1 [2 is larger than 1.]
18. < inequality [mizar] < (xreal_0:prednot 2)
[usage] 1 < 2 [1 is smaller than 2.]
19. min minimum [mizar] min (extreal2:def 1)
[usage] min(2,3) = 2 [2 is minimum with respect to 2 and 3.]
20. max maximum [mizar] max (extreal2:def 2)
[usage] max(2,3) = 3 [3 is maximum with respect to 2 and 3.]
21. ! factorial (of a natural number) [mizar] ! (sin_cos:def 30)
[usage] a ! [a ! is the factorial of a natural number a]
20. [ ] Gauss’ symbol [mizar] [\ /] (int_1:def 4)
[usage] [\ a/] [[\ a/] is [a].」
21. a ≡ b (mod c) a and b are congruent modulo c [mizar] , are_congruent_mod (int_1:def 3)
[usage] a , b are_congruent_mod c [(a , b are_congruent_mod c) means (a ≡ b (mod c) )]
<The notations of numbers and special constants>
1. 0 numeral zero [mizar] 0
2. 1 numeral one [mizar] 1 ; one (ordinal2:def 2)
3. 2 numeral two [mizar] 2
4. 3 numeral three [mizar] 3
5. 4 numeral four [mizar] 4
6. 5 numeral five [mizar] 5
7. 6 numeral six [mizar] 6
8. 7 numeral seven [mizar] 7
9. 8 numeral eight [mizar] 8
10. 9 numeral nine [mizar] 9
11. π circle ratio [mizar] PI (sin_cos:def 30)
[usage] 3 < PI [πis greater than 3.]
12. e Napier’s number [mizar] number_e (power:def 4)
[usage] 2 < number_e [e is greater than 2.]
13. i imaginary number [mizar] <i> (xcmplx_0:def 1)
14. ∞ infinity [mizar] +infty (supinf_1:def 1) or –infty (supinf_1:def 3)
15. +∞ infinity [mizar] +infty (supinf_1:def 1)
16. −∞ infinity [mizar] –infty (supinf_1:def 3)
<The notations for elementary functions and complex numbers>
1. sin [mizar] sin (sin_cos:def 30)
[usage] sin a [the sine of a.]
2. cos [mizar] cos (sin_cos:def 22)
[usage] cos a [the cosine of a.]
3. tan [mizar] tan (sin_cos4:def 1)
[usage] tan a [the tangent of a.]
4. sec [mizar] sec (sin_cos4:def 4)
[usage] sec a [the second of a.]
5. cot [mizar] cot (sin_cos4:def 2)
[usage] cot a [the cotangent of a.]
6. arcsin [mizar] arcsin (sin_cos6:def 1)
[usage] arcsin a [the arcsine of a.]
7. arccos [mizar] arccos (sin_cos6:def 3)
[usage] arccos [the arccosine of a.]
8. ex exponential function (of real values) [mizar] exp (sin_cos:def 26)
[usage] exp x [the exponential function of x]
9. Re the real part of a complex number [mizar] Re (complex1:dfs 1)
[usage] Re a [the real part of a complex number a]
10. Im the imaginary part of a complex number [mizar] Im (complex1:dfs 2)
[usage] Im a [the imaginary part of a complex number a]
11. √ positive square root (of a real number) [mizar] sqrt (square_1:def 4)
[usage] sqrt a [the square root of a]
12. n√ positive n-powered root (of a real number) [mizar] n-Root (prepower:def 3)
[usage] 3 -Root a [the positive cubic root of a]
13. ( ) 2 squre (of a number) [mizar] ^2 (square_1:def 3)
[usage] a^2 [the square of a]
14. ( ) 2 squre (of a number) [mizar] sqr are_1:def 3)
[usage] a^2 [the square of a]
15. ab a real number with exponent of a natural number [mizar] |^ (newton:def 1)
[usage] a |^ b [the b times power of real number a]
16. ab a real number with exponent of an integer [mizar] #Z (prepower:def 4)
[usage] a #Z b [the b times power of real number a]
17. ab a real number with exponent of a rational namber [mizar] #Q (prepower:def 5)
[usage] a #Q b [the b power of real number a]
18. ab a real number with exponent of a real number [mizar] #R (prepower:def 8)
[usage] a #R b [the b power of real number a]
19. ab a real number with exponent of a real number [mizar] to_power (power:def 2)
[usage] a to_power b [the b power of real number a]
20. | | absolute value (of a complex number) [mizar] abs (complex1:func 18)
[usage] abs a [the absolute value of a]
21.  ̄ conjugate complex number (of complex number) [mizar] *’ (complex1:def 15)
[usage] <i>*’ [<i>*’ = −<i>]
22. log logarithm [mizar] log( , ) (power:def 3)
[usage] log(a,b) [log(a,b) is a logarithm with base of logarithm a and anti-logarithm b.]
23. a + bi a complex number with its real part a and its imaginary part b ), where a and b are real numbers [mizar] [*a,b*] (arytm_0:def 7)
[usage] for a being Element of REAL holds [*a,0*] in REAL [It means that for a∈R,a+0i∈R holds.]
24. arg the argument of a complex number [mizar] Arg (comptrig:def 1)
[usage] Arg a [Arg a is the argument of a complex number a.]
<The notations for limit and series>
1. lim limit of complex sequence [mizar] lim (comseq_2:def 5)
[usage] 1. lim a [the limit of complex sequence a]
2. lim (a+b) = lim a + lim b [This holds if a and b are convergent.]
2. ∑ pertial sum of a real sequence [mizar] Percial_Sums (series_1:def 1)
[usage] Percial_Sums a [pertial sum of real sequence a]
3. ∑ sum of infinite series [mizar] Sum (series_1:def 3)
[usage] 1. Sums a [sum of infinite series of a real sequence a]
2. Sums a = lim Percial_Sums a [The sum of infinite series of a real sequence a is equal to the limit of the pertial sum of it.]
4. →+∞ (for a real sequence) divergent to the plus infinity [mizar] (is) divergent_to+infty (limfunc1:def 4)
[usage] a is divergent_to+infty [The real sequence a is divergent to the plus infinity, that is , a →+∞.]
5. →−∞ (for a real sequence) divergent to the minus infinity [mizar] (is) divergent_to-infty (limfunc1:def 5)
[usage] a is divergent_to-infty [The real sequence a is divergent to the minus infinity, that is , a →−∞.]
limit b of a real function(x → a ) [mizar] lim( , )
(limfunc3: def 4)
[usage] lim(f ,a) = b [f is convergent to b in a.]
limit b of a real function(x → a + 0 ) [mizar] lim_right( , ) (limfunc2: def 8)
[usage] lim_right(f ,a) = b [f is right-convergent to b in a.]
limit b of a real function(x → a − 0 ) [mizar] lim_left( , ) (limfunc2: def 7)
[usage] lim_left(f ,a) = b [f is left-convergent to b in a.]
real function f is divergent to +∞(x → a) [mizar] is_divergent_to+infty_in (limfunc3: def 2)
[usage] f is_divergent_to+infty_in a [f is divergent to +∞ in a.]
real function f is divergent to −∞(x → a) [mizar] is_divergent_to-infty_in (limfunc3:
def 3)
[usage] f is_divergent_to-infty_in a [f is divergent to −∞ in a.]
a real function f is divergent to +∞(x → a + 0 ) [mizar]
(limfunc2:def 5)
[usage] f is_ right_divergent_to+infty_in a [f is right-divergent to +∞ in a.]
a real function f is divergent to −∞(x → a + 0 ) [mizar]
(limfunc2:def 6)
[usage] f is_ right_divergent_to-infty_in a [f is right-divergent to −∞ in a.]
a real function f is divergent to +∞(x → a − 0 ) [mizar] is_left_divergent_to+infty_in (limfunc2:def 2)
[usage] f is_ left_divergent_to+infty_in a [f is left-divergent to +∞ in a.]
a real function f is divergent to −∞(x → a − 0 ) [mizar] is_left_divergent_to-infty_in (limfunc2:def 3)
[usage] f is_ left_divergent_to-infty_in a [f is left-divergent to −∞ in a.]
limit of a real function(x → +∞ ) [mizar] lim_in+infty
(limfunc1:def 12)
[usage] lim_in+infty f = a [the limit a of a real function f in the plus infinity]
limit of a real function(x → −∞ ) [mizar] lim_in-infty (limfunc1:def 13)
[usage] lim_in-infty f = a [the limit a of a real function f in the minus infinity]
a real function) divergent to the plus infinity (x →+∞) [mizar] (is) divergent_in+infty_to-infty (limfunc1:def 7)
[usage] f is divergent_in+infty_to-infty [The real function f is divergent to the plus infinity when x →+∞.]
a real function) divergent to the minus infinity (x →+∞) [mizar] (is) divergent_in+infty_to-infty (limfunc1:def 8)
[usage] f is divergent_in+infty_to-infty [The real function f is divergent to the minus infinity when x →+∞.]
(for a real function) divergent to the
plus infinity (x →−∞)
[mizar] (is)
(limfunc1:def 10)
[usage] f is divergent_in-infty_to+infty [The real function f is divergent to the plus infinity when x →−∞.]
a real function) divergent to the minus infinity (x →−∞) [mizar] (is) divergent_in-infty_to-infty (limfunc1:def 11)
[usage] f is divergent_in-infty_to-infty [The real function f is divergent to the minus infinity when x →−∞.]
<The notations for differentiation and integral>
1. ( , ) open interval [mizar] ]. , .[ (rcomp_1:def 2)
[usage] ].0 , 1.[ [This is the open interval between 0 and 1.]
2. ] , [ open interval [mizar] ]. , .[ (rcomp_1:def 2)
[usage] ].0 , 1.[ [This is the open interval between 0 and 1.]
3. f’(a) differential coefficient of real function f in a [mizar] diff(f, a) (fdiff_1:def 6)
[usage] diff(f + g, a) = diff(f, a) + diff(g, a) [This means (f + g)’ (a) = f’ (a) + g’(a) ]
4. f ‘ (x) (x∈a) the differential of a real function f differentiable on a ⊆ R [mizar] f `|a (fdiff_1:def 8)
[usage] f `|REAL [This is the differential of the real function f differentiable on R.]
5. f ‘ the differential of a real function f differentiable on R [mizar] f `|REAL (fdiff_1:def 8)
[usage] (f `|REAL).a [This is the differential coefficient of the real function f in a .]
indefinite Riemann integral of a real
function [mizar] integral [integra1:def 18]
<The notations for geometry>
1. AB line through A and B in 3 dimentional Euclidian space [mizar] Line( , ) (euclid_1:def 1)
[usage] 1. Line(A,B) st A, B in REAL 3 [line through A and B in 3 dimentional Euclidian space, where A, B are real 3-tuples.]
2. for A, B st A, B in REAL 3 holds Line(A,B) = Line(B,A) [line through A and B is equal to line through B and A.]
<The notations for probability>
1. Pr probability [mizar] Probability (of ) (prob_1:def 13)
[usage] Probability of X [This means Pr(X), that is, the probability of an event X.]
<The notations for vectors and matrices>
1. A is an n×m matrix over R [mizar] A is Matrix of n,m,REAL (matrix_1: def 3)
2. A is an n×m matrix over C [mizar] A is Matrix of n,m,COMPLEX (matrix_1: def 3)
1×… matrix a (line
vector) [mizar] <*a*> (matrix_1:11)
1×n matrix a (line
vector) [mizar] <*a*> st width <*a*> = n
(matrix_1:11; matrix_1: def 4)
…×1 matrix a
(column vector) [mizar] <*a*>@ (matrix_1:11; matrix_1: def 7 )
n×1 matrix a (column vector) [mizar] <*a*>@ st width <*a*> =
n (matrix_1:11; matrix_1: def 7 )
2×… matrix [mizar] <*a,b*> (matrix_1:12)
2×n matrix [mizar] <*a,b*> st width <*a,b*> = n
(matrix_1:12; matrix_1: def 4)
matrix [mizar] <*a,b*>@ (matrix_1:12; matrix_1: def 7)
matrix [mizar] <*a,b*>@ st width <*a*> = n
(matrix_1:12; matrix_1: def 7)
1×1 matrix with element a
matrix [mizar] <*<*a*>*> (matrix_1:15)
1×2 matrix with elements a and b [mizar] <*<*a*>,<*b*>*> (matrix_1:15)
2×2 matrix with elements a, b, c and d [mizar]
<*<*a,b*>,<*c,d*>*> (matrix_1:15)
2×2 matrix with elements a, b, c and d [mizar] (a,b)][(b,c) (matrix_2:def 2)
(i, j)-element of a matrix a [mizar] A*(i,j) (matrix_1:def 6)
15. At transposed matrix of A [mizar] @ (matrix_1:def 7)
[usage] A@ [A@ is the transposed matrix of A.]
16. + addition of matrices [mizar] + (matrix_1:def 7)
[usage] a + b [the sum of matrices a and b]
17. − minus sign of matrix matrices [mizar] - (matrix_1:def 13)
[usage] -a [the inverse of a matrix a with resprect to addition]
18. ・ (× or nothing) multiplication of matrices [mizar] * (matrix_3:def 4)
[usage] a * b [the product of matrices a and b]
19. ( , ) ( < , > ) the inner product of finite sequences recognized as vectors [mizar] “*” (fvsum_1:def 10)
[usage] a“*”b [the inner product of finite sequences a and b recognized as vectors]
20. the n-th line of a matrix a [mizar] Line(a,n) (matrix_1:def 8)
21. the n-th colum of a
matrix a [mizar]
22. O n×m zero matrix [mizar] 0.(n,m) (matrix_1:def 11)
23. E ( I ) n×n unit matrix [mizar] 1.(n,m) (matrix_1:def 12)
24. det a the determinant of a matrix a [mizar] Det (matrix_1:def 12)
[usage] Det a [the determinant of a matrix a]